When I was a kid, there was one thing I asked for every Christmas and birthday and never got: a chemistry set. It was not because my parents were averse to science. Far from it. I still have the microscope they got me from Sears and have fond memories of various telescopes, books, and globes -lunar and terrestrial- they gave me over the years. Still, no matter how much I and a nearly retired Mr. Wizard extolled the educational benefits of chemistry sets, their fear of me either poisoning myself or burning down the house won out.
Would this hole in my otherwise happy childhood ever be filled? I got my answer yesterday when this unassuming little box was delivered to my front door.
Would this hole in my otherwise happy childhood ever be filled? I got my answer yesterday when this unassuming little box was delivered to my front door.

Fifty years late, but here itwas.
Well, sort of. It was a box of modern magic for coffee lovers.
Inside was a cute tumbler, a measuring spoon. a recipe booklet and six flavors. I'll review each flavor in individual posts and write more about Javvy over the next few weeks. Until then, look upon my box of caffeinated cuteness and let the experiments begin!