Most North Americans start their day with a mug, glass, can, or cup of liquid kindness. It is the way we kickstart ourselves to deal with life. In a world (yes, in a world...) where people sometimes get into screaming matches over the relative virtues of butter versus margarine, the idea of needing fuel to start the day is a unifier, not a divider. So does that mean coffee is a lover, not a fighter? Depends on the brew and the marketing and the people who love it.
What I want to do with this blog is explore coffee, tea, and any other beverage. There will be reviews, there may even be some instances of me putting on my anthropologist hat and examining the culture around our drinks of choice.
What I want to do with this blog is explore coffee, tea, and any other beverage. There will be reviews, there may even be some instances of me putting on my anthropologist hat and examining the culture around our drinks of choice.